Friday, 8 March 2013


I have nothing to say that would be more important than supplying you with this post by JULIET YOUNG, about the powerful new movement here in Europe called  FEMEN, with headquarters in  Paris, just 3 hours up the railway line from where I live... Although here in Anduze there was a marvellous dance-manifestation last week -- everyone dressed in red & black -- to make a visible statement about ONE BILLION RISING .... well, it's pretty conservative in the French countryside, and we'd be unlikely to see what you'll see on this site supplied by Juliet,  such wonderful, beautiful,  strong young women marching bare-breasted and painted with slogans, armed with fury alone... Such deep, enormous desire for justice and equality makes me feel old and tired, actually, not that I've given up, I just don't have the same energy for the battle... but I certainly support the young ones out there on the front line... The French  newspapers have been doing their part to observe Women's Day, lots of features about important women,  diligently trying to make it look as if, in this society,  women count as much as men do.... but every woman here knows the truth... All to say, have a look at Juliet's most recent posting and then you may also like to look at her blog... her photographs of Paris, however, may have you jumping on the next flight over, so be careful.... read with caution... But first, FEMEN...